Application for Town of Annetta Utility Service
Water/Sewer Utility Application Terms and Conditions
For new Applicants, a $40.00 Application Fee will be assessed on your first water bill. Current customers that are transfering their water service to another residence within our water system, there will be a $25.00 Transfer Fee assessed on your first water bill.
The Applicant hereby makes application to the Town of Annetta for Water and Sewer or Water utility service (based on location) currently offered and available to the Town of Annetta. Water and Sewer is furnished for the sole use of the Applicant's household and the selling, furnishing, or permitting the use by 3rd parties is expressly prohibited.
The Applicant agrees to pay for said service as bill is rendered in accordance with the current rates, rules and regulations as provided for by ordinance and able to abide by all rules and regulations as now existing or as may be enacted by the Town of Annetta. The Applicant further agrees to release and discharge the Town of Annetta for any liability damages suffered from the provision of utility services, other than negligence by the city.
The Applicant acknowledges that failure to pay their account in an “Active” status shall result in disconnection of water service. Your water bill is due on the 15th of every month. If your “Active” account becomes delinquent after thirty (30) days, a late fee of 10% of your delinquent balance will be assessed. Should an “Active” Water account go more than two (2) months delinquent, water service shall be disconnected and may be referred to a Collection Agency. Water service will not be restored until their water account is paid in full to include any applicable assessed penalties/fees. Social Security Number (SSN) is requested for the purpose should the account become delinquent and is referred to a collection agency. SSN is subject to protection under applicable Federal and State Laws and will not be disclosed for any other purposes other than official use.
It is the Applicant's responsibility to ensure the property is ready for water and sewer service. We do not confirm the presence of leaks, active water consumption or sewer issues upon activation.
It is the Applicant's responsibility to provide their own water cut off valve or PRV outside the meter box. We require you to call our office to schedule repairs for water turn off/on during business hours or call our After Hours Emergency line at 682-261-2341.
I have read and understand Ordinance 199 regarding water meter damage.
I have read and understand Ordinance 190 regarding water and sewer connections regulations.
Additionally the Applicant acknowledges that all “Finaled” or “Inactive” accounts with balances shall be paid in full by the due date of the Final Bill. Failure to pay the balance of a “Finaled” or “Inactive” account shall result in the account being referred to a Collection Agency after the account is delinquent over 60 days. Should litigation be necessary, I understand I will be responsible for any and all legal and court fees and/or penalties assessed by the adjudged court or Town of Annetta should judgment be against me.
Town of Annetta Notice Systems
These are independent notice systems that are not associated with your water & sewer account. Sign up is required if you wish to receive notifications. Please notify us if your contact information changes, so we can update your account.
Town of Annetta Urgent Alerts:
In case of emergencies or specific information about time-sensitive or common interest issues, Town of Annetta offers Blackboard Connect service. With this free service, we can send personalized voice messages, text messages, and emails to you within minutes. Utility customers are highly encouraged to enroll.
Town of Annetta E-mail Alerts:
The Town of Annetta is happy to provide you periodic updates. This is an e-mail system designed to keep citizens and other interested parties informed by sending out periodic messages when information is added to this website, such as meeting agendas, minutes, new ordinances, and important notices. There will be approximately two e-mails sent every month, and usually not more than one message in a day, so you can rest assured that we will not flood your inbox.
Sample Postcard Bill

Your bill will be in a postcard format. If you don't receive your water bill by the end of the following month, please call us at (817) 441-5770.