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City Council

Our City Council is made up of our Mayor, Sandy Roberts, and our City Council Members.

Sandy Roberts, Mayor
Shane Mudge, Place 1
Danny Coffman August 22 2008 cropped (00
Danny Coffman,
Place 2
Profile Pic (002).jfif
Brandon Thompson, Place 3
Jim Causey, Place 4
Kent Stasey.jpeg
Kent Stasey, Mayor pro-tem Place 5

City Council Meetings

The Annetta City Council invites and encourages the public to attend all council, board and commission meetings.  The following information is to acquaint residents with the proceedings of the meetings.


Council meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at Annetta City Hall, 450 Thunder Head Lane, Annetta, Texas 76008.

To find information regarding previous meetings, click here.

City Council

The Annetta City Council has six members.  Five council members and one mayor.  The council sets policy for the city and acts as the legislative branch of the city government.


The Town of Annetta holds General Elections for officers on the first Saturday in May each year.  Town of Annetta elections are held at Annetta Town Hall, 450 Thunder Head Lane, Annetta, Texas 76008.  If the county holds elections for other cities, voting may take place at those locations as well.  Information regarding County Elections may be found at

  • 2023 - Mayor and Places 3 and 5 up for election

  • 2024 - Places 1, 2 and 4 up for election

Requirements:  In accordance with standard eligibility requirements for a city office, a candidate must be a United States citizen; be a registered voter in the territory from which the office is elected as of the date of the filing deadline for candidate's place on the ballot; and have resided continuously for 12 months in the municipality seeking office.  A member of the council ceasing to possess any of the qualifications specified or convicted of a felony while in office, shall immediately forfeit his/her office.

Helpful Information:

Council Agenda
The council agenda, which lists all items to be considered at each week's sessions, is available to the public 72 hours before the council meeting.  Agendas are available online, on a bulletin board in front of city hall and as paper handouts at the meeting.

Citizen Participation

Council Members welcome public testimony.  During regular city council meetings, there are opportunities for citizen comments.  Speakers are asked to sign the sign-in sheet and turn it in to the City Secretary before call to order and to be conscious of the limited time available to those who wish to bring a matter before council.   

City Council Meeting Request to Address Council Form

Comments on city council agenda items can also be submitted via email at or mailed to PO Box 1150, Annetta, TX 76008.  If a citizen does not wish to speak before the council, but has a concern they would like to have addressed, please contact the City Secretary at 817-441-5770.

Council Highlights
  • Minutes are taken at every public meeting and include the date, time, and place of the meeting, the names of members present, the substance of all official actions, a record of roll call votes, the names of all citizens who appear officially at the meeting and the subject of the citizen's testimony.

  • A quorum is a majority of council members.  

  • An ordinance is a piece of legislation passed by the council that must be seconded and approved by a majority of council for it to pass.

  • A motion is a verbal action taken by the council that must be seconded and approved by a majority of council for it to pass.

  • A resolution is a written action taken by council on a non-legislative matter that usually establishes council policy or directs certain administrative actions.

  • A consent agenda consists of non-controversial or housekeeping items required by law that are passed without discussion and with a single vote of approval by a majority of council members in an effort to expedite council business.  Items may be considered individually by any council member making such request prior to a motion and vote on consent items.

  • The regular agenda consists of items requiring individual consideration by council.

  • Council comments occur at the end of each meeting.  These items relate to items of public interest:  Announcements regarding local or regional civic and charitable events, staff recognition, citizen commendations, traffic issues, upcoming meetings, informational updates on city projects, awards, acknowledgements of meeting attendees, requests for the city secretary to place items on upcoming agendas and condolences.


Accommodations and modifications for people with disabilities are available upon request.  Requests should be made as far in advance as possible, but no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting.  Call 817-441-5770 or email


If you have any questions about how you may participate in the governmental process, please call city hall at 817-441-5770.

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